VESA Overview

VESA stands for Vehicles and Employees Security & Analytics

VESA stands for Vehicles and Employees Security and Analytics. It is a plug and play system that combines the power of UHF, BLE, and QR Code technologies to provide a secure, efficient, and scalable solution for a variety of industries.

The system's multi-modal approach ensures precise and rapid identification of vehicles, personnel, and visitors, while its customizable access policies and permissions allow administrators to tailor the system to specific organizational needs. VESA also employs a multi-layered security approach to thwart unauthorized access attempts.

VESA system's scalability facilitates seamless expansion as organizations grow, and its real-time data and analytics provide organizations with invaluable insights into access events, worker attendance, and visitor traffic.

Vesa full Systems

Unauthorized Access

Access process is automated for vehicles, trucks, buses and employees using BLE, UHF and QR within short time

Entrance and Exit Schedule

Entrance should be scheduled and booked as per capacity, extra capacity alerts are provided


BLE badges are showing actual information about available people inside and through which gate .

Traffic management

Enough and live data for management to plan and direct traffic flow.

Evacuation Plan

Accurate data about exsitance of vehicles and people over the project area

Safety constrains

CCTV and LPR cameras are providing extra level of safety and security over the process along with analytical engines .

VESA Features

How it works

Simplified explanation of how it works

Vesa Components

Unearth the Convincing Factors to Select VESA for Your Access Management Requirements